I was reading in the October 13 TIME Magazine something about our economy that was on the lighter side: Instead of calling the “recession” try one of these new, upbeat terms . . .
$ Quality Family Time$ Frugalfest$ Saving Spree$ American Idle$ The Scrimpadelic Era$ The Ramen Dynasty$ Recess! It’s hard to feel optimistic in the economic environment of our world these days, but you know that the Bible says that we are not to be anxious about anything, nor do we have any need to fear if we place our faith in the right source. What is the source of our happiness? What is the surest investment? How are we to view money and possessions? Again I have a few questions for you that I hope to address this Sunday as I bring a message entitled, “It’s Just Stuff.” This is the third message in our series about living in the United States in the volatile days before an election with so much uncertainty filling the air. Plus, this Sunday we will enjoy the inspiration of seven people being baptized, as well as Pastor Chad introducing us to a teenager who has just come to Christ. It is going to be an exciting morning to be together as a church.
I was listening to KLOVE Radio station this week and they mentioned the exciting story of a Baptist Church in Texas that was struggling which decided to deed over their property to the Assembly of God church that was being blessed by God even though they met in a school. This made national Christian news, affirming the unity we have as believers. We have been a part of such a miracle as well. The uniqueness of God’s blessing and the power of unity in the body of Christ is nothing short of a miracle. I just wanted to affirm to you again the wonder of what God has done here at New Harvest, as well as the connection with North Salem Baptist Church as we form one church for Him.