Friday, July 24, 2009

Repeating the Same

The definition of insanity has become mainstream. I have read that it is attributed to Albert Einstein. Simply put it says – “Doing something over and over expecting different results.” We have enhanced the wording to say, “repeating the same behaviors and expecting different results.” Of course that is the same definition. It is so much easier to point at others who you know that keep doing the same thing over and over again, and yet on the other hand, just miss how often you and I live up to the definition as well. The phrase that would fit would be “creatures of habit.” There is a sense of comfort in doing what comes natural, even if it is actually harmful to our well-being. One author said that it takes quite a bit of pain for us to finally realize that what we are doing isn’t working. There is evidence of this tendency at work in the disciples as we look at the feeding of the 4,000 this Sunday. Yes, I said 4,000 not 5,000. That is an interesting aspect in and of itself. I think God has given me some helpful insights into this repetitive behavior that is actually very predictable and leads to the same results. Hope you will join me this Sunday as I share a message entitled “Repeating the Same.”