There was a little boy with a quarter to give during a Sunday offering. This Sunday, however, happened to be Communion Sunday, and as the elements were being passed the boy’s parents told him not to take any. “You’re not old enough,” they explained. Later, when the offering plate came by, however, the boy’s parents urged him to put in his quarter. He responded emphatically, “If I can’t eat, I won’t pay!”
I thought I would begin with a little humor as a way of announcing to you that we have the privilege of participating in the Lord’s Table this Sunday. Pastor Perry will lead the service, which will highlight the significance of participating in Communion. There is no doubt that Communion has been a very important part of the church and a reminder of what the Lord Jesus has done for us. The invitation to come to the Lord’s Table has been one that has thrilled the hearts of believers for centuries and I hope that you anticipate the worship, the meaning and the teaching that will surround the Lord’s Table this Sunday.
This Sunday will also highlight Pastor Perry Webb. Because of the membership vote of approval for our new budget, Perry is now serving as Associate Pastor of Care on a part-time basis and will receive compensation for his service at New Harvest. Perry has been as a volunteer pastor for two years, and now we are excited to acknowledge him in this new way to our church body. His ministry will focus on visitation, prayer and pastoral care, along with missions. Perry will work in partnership with John Doan, our new missions director. I look forward to you getting to know John as well.
These are exciting days at