Could things get any more exciting?! I had the privilege to be a part of the signing and the exchange of $110,000 this past Thursday morning. This sale has been filed with the State and we are the owners of 4290 Portland Road and the 6.2 acres surrounding the facility. God has been so gracious to us. This is a real gift, generated in the hearts of the North Salem Baptist members, entrusted to us by God that we would be faithful to this opportunity. As the scriptures say, “make the most of every opportunity,” and that literally means “redeeming the time.” We not only have the privilege of buying this property, but we need to also buy up this opportunity to represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ well from our new setting.
This Sunday is going to be a wonderful time at church also. Chad and the Youth Group are spearheading this Service and Chad has a good message for the graduating seniors and for us. I really want to encourage you to be here so that you can see the growth that is taking place in our Youth Ministry, not just in numbers but also in depth. There will be several testimonies, as well as recognition of the High School seniors who are graduating. We want to congratulate them and pray for them. They have a hopeful future in Christ even though statistically High School seniors entering college and/or the job market have been challenged in their faith like never before. Let’s help our seniors succeed as followers of Jesus Christ as they step into the future.
Pastor Steve and I will be over at North Salem Baptist Church for some of the morning. I will be teaching a adult Sunday School class at 9:30am, sharing the vision of New Harvest Church with a group of 30 or 40 adults. Pastor Steve will be a part of their worship service and do the preaching for their Sunday Service. North Salem Baptist Church will have one more service at our new church setting on Father’s Day, June 15th. Then they will be taking the steps to dissolving their corporation and hopefully linking arms with us in our effort to serve Christ.
Did you know that we have had 18 new professions of faith this year so far? Chad will be recognizing a young lady from our Youth Group Sunday morning as well. This is a marvelous time to be a part of New Harvest Church.
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