Sunday, August 3, 2008


This Sunday I will speak on a biblical character that reminds me of me. I hope that doesn’t sound too grandiose. Of course, his character isn’t too well known in the Bible, but he plays an important role in the life of the church. He happens to be the pastor of the church of Ephesus and his name is Timothy. Timothy is a genuine follower of Christ who was willing to serve and wanted to do everything he could for the cause of Christ. Paul was speaking of Timothy when he said in Philippians 2:20-22, “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel.” I know that sounds complimentary and we are not supposed to give ourselves compliments, but I am a devoted man to the work of Christ. However, Timothy had this other side to his life that appears more fragile. Sometimes he was timid and would avoid conflict. I told Timothy reminds me of myself. That’s the part of Timothy I want to speak on. It seems like Timothy hid behind fear or shame, wanting everybody to like him. Paul challenges Timothy not to hide behind a mask. Timothy will be our character this Sunday as we look at a man who is both passive and passionate.

Do you think we all hide behind masks from time to time? We have a tendency to fall into the same patterns of living which are comfortable to us. Yet God wants us to experience so much more than what comes naturally to us. As we come to this last message on some of the more hidden characters of the Bible, I want you to be honest about the two sides of the coin of your life. One side being your human tendency; the other side being your love for Christ. Which is more predominant? How could Christ become more alive in you?

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